21. Do you know the story about the little old woman that lives in a shoe? Well, Yo mama so poor she live in a flip flop!
22. Yo mama so poor when I sat on the couch a roach said “Get the hell off! I pay rent.”
23. Yo mama so poor when I asked what was for dinner, she pulled her shoelaces off and said “Spagetti.”
24. Yo mama so poor after I pissed in your yard, she thanked me for watering the lawn.
25. Yo mama so poor even the republicans were willing to give her welfare.
26. Yo mama so poor she put a thirstbuster on layaway with food stamps.
27. Yo mama so poor she put free samples on layaway.
28. Yo mama so poor she got arrested for breaking the gum-ball machine because it didn’t take food-stamps.
29. Yo mama’s so poor I walked into her house, asked what was for dinner, so she lit my pockets on fire and said “Hot Pockets.”
30. Yo mama so poor people rob her house for practice.