21. Yo mama so old she used to baby-sit Jesus.
22. Yo mama so old she’s got a pair of Air Moses sneakers.
23. Yo mama so old when she was born, the Dead Sea was just getting sick.
24. Yo mama so old when I slapped her on the back her tits fell off.
25. Yo mama so old when she was young rainbows were black and white.
26. Yo mama so old she called the cops when David and Goliath started to fight.
27. Yo mama so old and fat that when God said “Let there be Light”, he told her to move her fat ass out of the way.
28. Yo mama so old she knew Cap’n Crunch while he was still a private.
29. Yo mama so old she squirts powdered milk out her nipples.
30. Yo mama so old she got slapped by Eve for blowing Adam.